We would like to give you an overview of the services that we have successfully offered to a range of schools and education providers.
Our services are designed to be tailored to the needs and desired outcomes of the team in question. We have extensive experience in working with School leaders to uncover untapped potential in themselves, their team members and pupils.
At Synergia Coaching we put an emphasis on supporting the development of independent school leaders. We work with both individuals and teams to ensure those with influence in independent schools are equipped with the right tools and knowledge to be exceptional leaders and mentors.
With effective leadership and mentoring strategies in independent schools, the skills can be passed down the funnel, effectively teaching not only other colleagues, but pupils too.
We offer a series of leadership coaching and mentoring services for independent schools.
Every HMC Head is encouraged to undergo a 360-degree appraisal every third year of their Headship.
From building a new team through to re-invigorating a well-established team, and in rare situations, addressing dysfunction within the team. This work is tailored to specific requirements of each Senior Leadership Team.
When we conduct a review, we will agree the specific objectives and understand the context for the review, agreeing with the Head how this is carried out to focus the team.
Synergia bring a thorough and proven understanding of how to develop leadership excellence.
A coaching culture isn’t the same from one school to the next. It will look and feel different as each school has their own needs, history, strategies, values and unique community.
Enabling the Senior Leadership Team to take an analytical as well as creative approach to their Strategic planning process.
Coaching is a transformative process when a coach brings an open mind, curious questions and an empathetic listening ear to working with the individual to be coached.
Whether your Inset day requires a focus on personal development, or you want to link a Leadership Development Programme or the introduction of a coaching culture, Synergia can bring a motivational, inspirational and instrumental session to any of your Inset days.